Eltys Premium Painting
Home Improvement
A website dedicated to the interior and exterior painting company; Elty's Premium Painting LLC.

What Did They Think?

"Parker is a hard worker and is very professional at designing websites. The very first day he started working on my website, he made sure I was aware and comfortable of what he was building on the website every day. Parker also updated me to make sure I was never in the dark about what would be published. Parker did an amazing job I felt like he knew what was in mind and how exactly I wanted my website. If I could rate 10 starts I would because he over exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend him."


  • A responsive and easy-to-use 1-page website.
  • We created a login feature for me and the client.
  • An image and video gallery with popup modals.
  • A reviews section that grabs the review data from a external database.


  • Created a back-end external database that will store reviews and images.
  • Allowed the client to upload any images they want to the website directly once logged in.
  • Allowed users to post a review onto the website regarding Elty’s services.